
Blue Oceans - Protecting our moana

Together we can protect our oceans

“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans" - JACQUES COUSTEAU.

In a world where plastic is king, vehicles pump out air pollutants daily, runoff from land carries pollution to every waterway, and an island of trash floats ominously in the middle of the Pacific, it is hard to imagine how a single person can possibly make a difference. 

While saving our oceans seems like a daunting task, there are several things every person can do to help. SSI’s Blue Oceans provides the perfect starting point for divers, dive centers, and even non-divers to incorporate ocean conservation methods in their daily lives. As a diver, the importance of doing all you can to protect the underwater world is not only important to you, but for future divers ahead of you. Learn what Blue Oceans is doing to educate training centers and dive enthusiasts on protecting and preserving our ocean home.

At Aotearoa Dive we want everyone to be aware of the environmental problems our oceans are suffering day by day. The SSI Blue Oceans movement supports the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic environments, including oceans, seas, coasts, and waterways and their magnificent diversity of plant and animal species.

Aotearoa Dive is very proud to be a Blue Oceans affiliated centre.
A Blue Oceans Center exemplifies the attributes of a business firmly committed to protecting and preserving our ocean home. We achieved this status by satisfying the following requirements, thus involving our entire staff and customer base in creating a culture of environmental awareness within our store. Conservation is at the heart of everything we do.

  • Be a current, active status SSI Training Center
  • Promote the SSI Sustainable Diver Code and Blue Oceans Philosophy
  • Provide training in Perfect Buoyancy and SSI Ecology programs
  • Be active in environmental protection by supporting environmental projects and organizations
  • Organising clean-ups and environmental protection events above or below the water
  • Keeping our center environmentally friendly at all times

Our divers don’t just dive, they want to see the ocean thrive.

Blue Oceans Offers a FREE Conservation Program for Every Diver!

Become a Blue Oceans Diver Today.

In partnership with SSI and Blue Oceans, Aotearoa Dive offers a FREE, comprehensive program on ocean conservation. Divers and non-divers alike will learn about four critical topics facing our oceans today: Coral Reefs, Shark Finning, Ocean Plastics, and Marine Protected Areas. In addition to learning what issues our oceans face daily, you will discover many ways you can help by being both a sustainable diver and a responsible citizen. Visit the Blue Oceans page today to learn how to get started: 


Through the creation of Blue Oceans, Aotearoa Dive continues to strengthen its commitment to the well-being of ourselves, our society, and our oceans. One of Aotearoa Dive's foundational pillars is to align its corporate activities with having the smallest possible impact on the environment by using its products and programs to inform as many divers and non-divers as possible about relevant environmental topics and initiatives. 

"We create environmentally conscious divers"

SSI solidified their environmental commitment by transforming its educational materials from print to digital content worldwide, saving precious resources, and providing customers with consistent, sustainable, and current materials. They even took it a step further by providing a digital certification card to every diver.  In addition, for those requesting a physical card, every SSI Certification Card is printed on a 100% biodegradable, environmentally friendly material.If you are looking to join a community of like-minded marine lovers focused on fun experiences that preserve our aquatic world join Blue Oceans today! It won’t cost you a penny and will provide a lifetime of fulfillment as an ocean protector and advocate.


We love our oceans. We live for adventure. We do things differently. Get in touch today HERE


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